Twin Cities riots

Made by ProtestWatch

This community-driven map shows live data regarding incidents in Minnesota, Atlanta and the rest of the US occurring due to the Twin Cities riots. Incidents that could be dangerous to people in the area are reported. If you are in an affected area and see something potentially dangerous, you can right click (or long-tap on mobile) on the map to create a marker.

Edit: you now need to be logged in to create markers on this map.

Live feed

135 markers have expired.

There's no active markers to show. You can choose to show markers that have expired instead.

Map display options
About this maps privacy

Everyone can find and see this map. It also shows up in our public maps and in Google search results.

People on this map can see the username of the person that created this map, and they can visit the public profile of the map author.

Consult the privacy FAQ for more info.

Developer info

Use standard API requests to interact with this map. No authentication required for public and unlisted maps. Read the docs.

  • Use the API to get this map and its markers
  • Embed as iFrame
    <iframe src=""
  • Shortcode using our WordPress plugin
    [cartes_map uuid="651107a9-1d22-46a8-8254-111f7ac74a2b"]
  • Python using our Python package
    cartes.Maps('651107a9-1d22-46a8-8254-111f7ac74a2b', 'optional_map_token').get()
  • JS using our NPM package
    cartes.maps('651107a9-1d22-46a8-8254-111f7ac74a2b', 'optional_map_token').get()
  • Image using the static image endpoint

When using the API or embedding the map, you must attribute this website on your front-end.

Data import

Import data from a GPX file to create markers on this map.